Ikura and Tara are suffering from moulting too, so Ikura is a bit grumpy. Well, I can understand him. It must be tough to face moulting.
Fortunately Ikura has lost some weight successfully, so now I must think of how to keep the ideal weight.
As for Tara, I want to call him curious budgie. He can approach new toys without hesitation (though it sometimes takes a bit time) and is good at playing with them.
Oh, recently I found Tara's special skill. He can sleep anywhere. I found him sleeping with putting his face in the meal box. Is that comfortable?!
タラはというと、好奇心のかたまりのようなインコに成長しています。新しいおもちゃにもためらうことなく近づいていき(たまに時間かかりますが) 、上手に遊んでいます。

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