31 Mar 2017

Moult is coming / 換羽がやってくる

Namihei often pulls out her feathers and these days it seems that she picks her down while she grooms herself.
When I check posts on Instagram, some of the budgies already started moulting.
I feel that Namihei will also start moulting soon.
She usually gets weak or sick before she starts moulting.
Well, her poo condition is unstable now and I think it's kind of a sign to start moulting. At the moment she is on medication for her beak problem, so I don't want her to have too much stress. Anyway, we're visiting the vet tomorrow, so we may have advice from him.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

30 Mar 2017

Where to eat? / どこで食べようか。

There are four plates in Namihei's cage, for main meal (mixed seeds and pellets), foniopaddy, oyster shell, and water.
The plate for fonipopaddy, I put it above the main meal first, but apparently this wasn't good idea. She stayed there even when she wasn't eating it and she dropped her stuff from there. So... it went to the place for the main meal!
This isn't good for her health, so I changed the place. Her new house is very huge, but I'm wondering what is the best layout for Namihei. Since she has to spend all day while I'm working, I want make it comfortable enough.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

29 Mar 2017

Photo Exhibition Again / 波平写真展、ふたたび。

I joined a photo exhibition held in Yokohama last month and it was the first time to show Namihei photos.
Well, I'm going to join a group photo exhibition in June and of course, I'll show Namihei photos there.
Last time I showed her with portrait style (I want to call it budgie portrait) and this time I'm thinking about daily life with a budgie. I mean what you can expect when you live with a budgie.
Since I still take her portrait photos as well, I also want to show them with making a photo book. Oh well, I still have got time, so I may change my mind.
By the way, Namihei was doing well today. I was able to let her enjoy the sunshine in the morning before leaving for work. Her poo condition looked much better too, so I really hope everything will be okay with her!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 Mar 2017

Namihei time / 波平時間

Since I was off today, I was able to spend most of the time with Namihei.
The weather was lovely, so she enjoyed the sunshine in the morning too.
Well, these days I felt a bit miserable, because I worried about her too much.
It was a good opportunity to refresh myself today. I did clean up my room and it made me feel much better.
Oh well, Namihei already started making a mess though.
Namihei enjoyed playing a lot in my room and I'm sure it made her feel better as well.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

27 Mar 2017

Poo, poo, and poo / フン、フン、フン

Since Namihei's poo condition has been unstable these days, I'm her poo checker now.
Yesterday I was out in the daytime and let Namihei alone at home. When I came back home, she looked a bit weak. Besides the colour of her poo was vivid green. Is it normal?! Then her poo became just sloppy again.
This morning it was still sloppy and it made me feel so worried.
When I came back home, I first checked her poo and it seems that it's getting normal. I know I still need to keep watching, but guess what, I'm off tomorrow, so I can stay with her all day!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 Mar 2017

A Holiday with Namihei / 波平と過ごす休日

I woke up late this morning though I went to bed early last night. It wasn't easy to get up completely and Namihei encouraged me a lot. Well, we share my room and her cage faces to my bed.
I spent most of the day with her at home today. I just went out to get her new perch. Have you ever head of a neem tree? Namihei used this tree as her perches. At first she didn't like it (perhaps its colour), but now she feels safe with them.
I cleaned her cage and she enjoyed the sunshine. We did play together a lot. I believe we did have a good day together!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 Mar 2017

Does the medicine work? / お薬は効いているのか?

I'm wondering if the medicine Namihei takes now is working.
This week her poo looks unstable and a bit sloppy. Besides she sometimes looks so tired. Is it normal? The vet didn't tell me that there would be side effects. Actually I'm not sure what exactly it is. It's an antibiotic and contains some vitamins too. But how will it affect Namihei? I must find out the answer when we visit the vet next time.
I'm just worried about her so much and really hope her beak will be fine.
Well, she sneezed a lot before sleeping. Does Namihei also have an allergy to pollens? Or it was just cold?! Tomorrow I'll spend enough time with her!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 Mar 2017

Mystery of the swing / ブランコの謎

It's lovely to see a budgie sitting on a swing. Don't you think it's so sweet?
Well, Namihei doesn't sit on her swing in the daytime. What I see is pushing it with her beak. She looks so annoyed with the swing, so I often think if I should remove it from her cage.
Then during the night I sometimes wake up with the noise of the swing. Yes, she must have pushed the swing! I believed so until last night. I was totally wrong!
I saw her sitting on the swing. Well, I don't know why, but she sticks to the edge so it makes the swing unbalanced. That's why she sometimes slips or staggers and this causes that noise! But why doesn't she sits on the centre?! I really want to ask her about this...


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

22 Mar 2017

A bit sloppy / ちょっとみずっぽい。

Namihei was doing well as usual today. She made lots of noise, ate a lot, and played energetically. I also notice that she takes the water with the medicine though she is very reluctant.
Oh, she started calling me before 6:00 in the morning too.
There is one thing I must keep an eye on. Her poo condition wasn't so good today and it was a bit sloppy. I don't think it's diarrhea, but yes, I'll be careful with this.
By the way, she often pushes her swing with her beak during the night and it's really noisy. This sometimes wakes me up, so I must tell her to stop it!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

21 Mar 2017

Spring is coming / 春はもうそこまで。

The weather was so lovely over the weekend and I was heard that cherry blossoms had been starting to bloom today. So finally spring is coming. I like spring very much, but I have got an allergy to pollens. That's very annoying, because I cannot go out without a mask!
There is one more thing which tells me that spring is coming. Well, that's my budgie, Namihei. These days she always starts calling me around 6:00 in the morning. I usually get up at 5:30, but let Namihei sleep longer. Perhaps, it's not so freezing anymore (though I always put heating for her cage) and this makes her get up easily in the morning.

もう1つ、春がもう来ているんだと思わせることがあります。それは、我が家の波平です。ここ最近、朝6時頃になるときまって、起こせと言わんばかりに呼び鳴きを始めるんですよ。私はいつも5時30分に起きているものの、なみちゃんにはもっと長く寝かせようと思ってるのですが。 もしかして、もう冷え込んでいない(といっても、いつもなみちゃんのケージには、ペットヒーターを設置してます)から、朝も目覚めが良くなったのでしょうか。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

20 Mar 2017

Adventurous budgie, Namihei / 小さな探検家、波平。

It was a national holiday here in Japan and I was able to spend all day together with Namihei.
Well, I was supposed to do many things at home, but I was too lazy to be productive.
At least, I let Namihei enjoy the sunshine outside for a while and I also enjoyed reading a bit.
Well, Namihei is adventurous, I think. She loves exploring everywhere in my room and recently she found my jeans interesting.
It's always interesting to watch her and I think I can learn many things from her as well.
By the way, have you ever heard of the book, "The Genius of Birds" by Jennifer Ackerman? I just started reading it and would love to say this is a fantastic book!

ところで、『The Genius of Birds』という本をご存知ですか?ジェニファー・アッカーマンさんという方が著者なのですが、まだ翻訳本は出版されていないようです。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

18 Mar 2017

Follow-up / 経過観察

We visited the vet for the 3rd time today, but didn't see any progress. Well, the vet checked Namihei's beak and told me that we would do follow-up for a while. So next time, I'll see him in a couple of weeks.
We're not sure what's wrong with her beak yet and I shouldn't let Namihei play with other budgies just in case, he says.
I admit that I tend to jump to conclusions, but this time, I must trust the vet even if it will take time to see the good result.
Oh, Namihei was so chatty when we were on the train and it made me feel so embarrassed!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

17 Mar 2017

Always being together / いつでも一緒

Namihei suddenly became interested in my jeans and she kept hanging around them today.
Actually she likes checking my belongings. Perhaps she thinks anything belongs to me is hers.
Well, I went to work and kept working as usual. When I came back from the loo, I noticed something was stuck on my chair in the office. Can you guess what it was?! It was Namihei's poo! I can't believe that it was there, but it must have been stuck to somewhere on my clothes. I always think I want to be with her and wish I could have more time to spend together. But I don't wish to carry her belongings with me all the time!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

16 Mar 2017

What Namihei dislikes / 波平の嫌いなもの

Namihei was doing well today. She was so energetic and ate a lot in the morning. When I came back home, she kept shouting. I know she wants to get out of her cage! It's always nice to see her active.
Well, today I had to think of what Namihei would dislike for the photo on Instagram. I put "veggies, waiting, and a middle-aged man".
She doesn't eat green veggies at all, and she isn't patient. Then what about a middle-aged man?! Basically she doesn't like men. Now she has got a make vet and this is the problem. She always tries to escape from him when he grabs her!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

15 Mar 2017

Don't take it out on something! / 八つ当たりしないこと。

I wish I could communicate with Namihei in English or Japanese, but if we did, I'm sure she would never stop complaining about me.
In the morning, Namihei always wants to get out of her cage soon, but I have to do many things first. So I have to let her wait for a while.
Of course, she keeps shouting and tries to get attention from me.
This morning I didn't get back to her and kept myself busy with make-up. Then she suddenly started throwing out oyster shell grit. You know, she did look at me every time she threw some.
Oh well, she must learn that this causes another delay. I had to hoover the floor before letting her get out of her cage!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

14 Mar 2017

Big Brother / ビッグ・ブラザー

When I was leaving for work in the morning, Namihei looked so weak and tired. She was fine at first though. I was worried about her, but she didn't puke and was just resting on the perch, so I decided to go to work.
I often thought of Namihei while I was working and my workmates suggested to put a web camera at home so that I could check her regularly.
Well, it sounds like Big Brother in the George Orwell's novel, right? I oversee her through the camera... but what can I do if I find something wrong with her?! And I can't keep watching it on my iPhone all day at work.
Fortunately she was fine when I came back home! I even phoned my mum before leaving work, as she always gets home earlier than I do.
Anyway, it was good to see her doing well!

常になみちゃんを監視…(笑)。でも、たとえ何か異変を見つけても、すぐに家にはかけつけられないのが現実。それに、仕事中ずっと自分の iPhoneを眺めているわけにもいきませんね。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

13 Mar 2017

Namihei cares about me. / 波平、飼い主に気を遣う。

We spent all day together on Sunday. I didn't feel miserable anymore and felt so good in the morning.
Well, Namihei showed her enormous appetite and it must have been that she wanted me to know she was fine. But she did eat too much, I suppose. She got a puke afterwards.
I was worried about her and thinking about taking her to the vet, but she looked fine and started eating again!
So far she is doing well and it seems that she has no pain in her beak. I think budgies are so caring and can feel what humans feel.
Oh, by the way, have you ever heard of foniopaddy? I imported it from Germany for Namihei before, but she didn't like it. Recently she started eating it. Did she know she would need it now to fight against the problem?!
Anyway, I hope it will help somehow.


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