Well, I was supposed to do many things at home, but I was too lazy to be productive.
At least, I let Namihei enjoy the sunshine outside for a while and I also enjoyed reading a bit.
Well, Namihei is adventurous, I think. She loves exploring everywhere in my room and recently she found my jeans interesting.
It's always interesting to watch her and I think I can learn many things from her as well.
By the way, have you ever heard of the book, "The Genius of Birds" by Jennifer Ackerman? I just started reading it and would love to say this is a fantastic book!
ところで、『The Genius of Birds』という本をご存知ですか?ジェニファー・アッカーマンさんという方が著者なのですが、まだ翻訳本は出版されていないようです。
![にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ](https://birds.blogmura.com/sekisei/img/sekisei88_31.gif)
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