30 Nov 2015

Mould is gone! / カビ菌が消えた!

Mould is gone! My miserable week is gone! I took Namihei to a bird clinic yesterday and mould wasn't found in her poo. Well, she still has to take the rest of the medicines, but she is fine now. I'm so relieved and happy with the result. Every single day, I suffered from a nasty headache and felt so miserable last week. Of course, I still has to keep an eye on her condition.
I bought biscuits for budgies, but she didn't appreciate it. Yes, it always takes time for her to get used to something new. I hope she will taste them soon!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 Nov 2015

Let's have a bath! / お風呂に入ろう!

Last night Namihei was a good budgie. When I tried to catch her in the cage, she just let me grab her. And when I was giving her medicines, she even opened her mouth (beak) voluntarily.
But when I took her to my room, she flied to the living room again and again. I told her to play in my room though. Finally I did understand why she went to the living room. She wanted to do bathing! Once I ran a cold water tap, she came to me and started bathing on my hands. So, Namihei, how often do you need to bathe?!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

27 Nov 2015

Miss Clumsy / おっちょこちょいさん

Namihei is doing well and Miss Clumsy is me, not her, actually! Well, she is a bit clumsy too though. Perhaps I was out of my mind because I worried about Namihei too much. Yesterday it wasn't my day at all. I hit myself against the automatic door in the entrance of my apartment in the morning yesterday. Well, I was running a bit, so the damage was so strong! I hit my forehead, mouth, and right knee. And then I hit my head against my desk at work when I was leaving. I had a slight headache and was dizzy at that time... As for Namihei, she was a good girl yesterday. She took her medicines well and her poo condition was good too. I hope she is smart enough not to hit herself against anything!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

26 Nov 2015

Take My Heart / 私の心を奪って

Well, I'm not talking about romance. I've heard this on a TV advert. Kanji "busy" is written with "losing a heart". Indeed, I do agree that. Yes, I've been busy with worrying about Namihei these days. I'll be in a bad mood if I have to do a bit overtime. I walk so fast and get angry if someone blocks my path on my way home. I know I have to calm down, but I do care for Namihei. Sometimes I feel miserable to face something I cannot change. Anyway, her wight is stable with keeping 45g and she eats enough, I suppose. Yet, I still worry until I have a solid proof that she is all right.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 Nov 2015

Not too bad... / そんなに悪くないよ

Namihei must be at rest whiles taking medication, but she wants to have fun outside. Well, I allow her to get out of her cage while I clean it up. She keeps flying around and enjoys making a mess in my room!
Yesterday she found a toilet paper somehow and started playing with it. Hmm... she sings well and eats well. She looks fine, but her weight is now 45g. It was once nearly 50g after starting dieting though. Anyway, she is still having a moulting period, so I'll keep an eye on her.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 Nov 2015

We are connected. / 波平とのつながり

Yesterday I noticed something wrong in Namihei after posting a blog. At first I thought she ate too fast and then felt a bit sick, but I wanted to make is sure and decided to take her to a bird clinic. Some mould was found in her poo and now she has to take three types of medicines every morning and night for a week. And then I'll take her to the clinic again this weekend. I really hope she will be okay soon. Well, we're connected. Why? Because I also had a slight fever yesterday. Actually when she was sick for the first time last year, I was also sick. Then I hope she is happy too when I feel happy!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 Nov 2015

Girl or Boy? / 女の子か男の子か?

I'm wondering if Namihei is really a girl these days. When I took her to my house, I thought she was a boy and named her Namihei (it's a boy's name). But when I took her to a bird clinic, a vet said she should be a girl. Hmm... so far I've seen evidences for both of girl and boy in Namihei. Well, she can be very unique though. Actually I haven't seen the same colour of Namihei. For girl budgies, I've heard that we have to be careful with egg laying. So far, she is not interested in any eggs!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

21 Nov 2015

Namihei gets lonely easily, I think. She tends to play alone, but it seems that she needs audience. Last night I let her out in my room as usual. Since she was concentrating on eating, I let her alone and left for the living room. Soon, she flied to the living room and came to me. Then she was obsessed with a strap of an old mobile phone. Well, she never gets bored with it! But when I was going back to my room, she noticed it and followed me! Namihei is a quite careful watcher, isn't she?

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

20 Nov 2015

Tomboy Budgie, Namihei / おてんば女子、波平

Recently Namihei is very energetic and gets hyper so much. Once she finds something to eat, she dashes to it and tries to eat it. Well, I didn't know budgies could run so fast!
Namihei is good at playing with something around her. Well, I didn't know budgies could be so creative!
I want to know how she spends her time while I'm away from home. Probably she is singing, dancing, eating, and napping... She is so sweet now. You know, she follows me even when I go to the loo!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

19 Nov 2015

Namihei with Apple / 波平とりんご

Yesterday Namihei tried an apple. She was very energetic last night, so I wanted to let her challenge something new. It was like she was begging me to let her out with a grievous cry when I got home.
I put some pieces of an apple for her, but she tried to steal the piece I was eating. Yes, she is very careful and she always tries to take something I'm having. Perhaps she thinks I'm a guinea pig for her... So far I think she prefers an orange!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

18 Nov 2015

Let me have a taste! / 味見させて!

Namihei is a curious budgie and she always comes to me when I am eating something.
Well, perhaps she is saying, "Let me have a taste!"
I try not to eat chocolates in front of Namihei, as I've heard that chocolates can be dangerous for budgies. Hmm... oranges should be all right, I suppose.
I was told to give a bit of cheese to Namihei when I visited a vet before. At first, Namihei didn't want to have it, but these days she eats it when I give it to her. This is because she has seen me eating cheese a lot of times! Greedy, cheeky, lovely Namihei.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

17 Nov 2015

Balance on one foot / 波平の片足立ち

How long can you stand on one foot? Well, it cannot be a relaxing style, can it? For budgies, it is though. When they stand on their one foot, it means they are having a relaxing time.
Namihei often does it too and yes, she looks very comfortable. But I also notice one more thing. Don't you think she is sitting with her belly rather than balancing on her one foot?! It can't be helped, as she is a bit chubby...
Either way, this is her style when she is in a relaxed mood. 


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

16 Nov 2015

Namigon / なみゴン

Namihei is doing well and I sometimes want to call her "Nami-gon". Well, it sounds like she is a little rascal, so it suits her very much.
It's always nice to see she enjoys her time, but when she is in moulting period, I have to chase her with a hoover! She drops her feathers everywhere.
Over the weekend, she chased me when I was eating something. So she tasted sweet potatoes and oranges. I wish she would taste green veggies too!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

14 Nov 2015

Little Monster, Namihei / 小さな怪獣、波平

Yesterday Namihei was super energetic. This is because I didn't have time to play with her on Thursday night. Of course, it's always nice to see that she is doing well, but "energetic" means she is trying to smash or drop something!
In the morning she was playing with a mirror... or do I have to say she was fighting against it? And at evening she was wrestling with a strap of a mobile phone. Hmm... I'm not sure if she won!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

13 Nov 2015

Pretending to eat / 食べているふり

Namihei doesn't like green veggies, and she doesn't eat fresh greens. So I usually mix some dried greens in her seeds. To be honest, I don't think she eats them. Perhaps some of them occasionally go to her mouth by accident! This is why I was so surprised when Namihei wanted to put her head inside of the pouch for dried green chips. Well, she just pretended to eat them... because I realised she was spreading the chips on my bed instead. Oh well, I had to clean up everything with a hoover!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

12 Nov 2015

Eat, Bite, Namihei / 食べて、かじって、波平

Namihei is still facing moulting period now and she looks so miserable. But she is doing well and eats a lot as usual. She is always looking for something to eat and also something she can bite when she is out of her cage. Well, she likes biting my hands and face too, which is a big problem for me! These days she also likes waking on the floor and tries to eat dust... I really have to be careful and must keep the floor clean for Namihei. It's so cute to see her clopping. She is quite fast, so watch out for her!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

11 Nov 2015

Rolling Budgie, Namihei / 転がるインコ、波平

I'm wondering... do budgie like rolling a lot? I have a couple of workmates who keep budgies and they say NO.
Well, Namihei likes rolling though. When she is in a good mood and find tissue paper, she usually plays with it. Then she starts rolling. I really want to know what she means! You know, she looks very serious when she is rolling. But... perhaps she enjoys it, doesn't she? She also does rolling when she finds something like a lace. Well, I hope she will not roll in her cage whilst she is sleeping!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ