12 Jan 2019

Ikura's cup of tea, Tara's cup of tea / イクラとタラ 好みはそれぞれ

After I wake up Ikura and Tara, I always give them breakfast in my room. These days I let them work with foraging toys to get their pellets.
Well, it's very interesting to watch them. Ikura always goes to a Ferris wheel while Tara goes to a yellow toy called "Tip and Treat".
It seems that they have their own preference. As for Tara, I really think he is very bright. He seems to understand that "foraging" is more valuable than "offering". I put some pellets in some pots as well, and Tara knows about it. Yet he chooses to go to the foraging toy and get some pellets by himself.
Erm... as for Ikura, I must say he is a bit lazy. He first goes to the pots and then dashes to the Ferris wheel. Well, perhaps he is cleaver in a different way though!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

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