30 Dec 2018

Get ready for a New Year / 新年を迎えるにあたって

Time flies, and Ikura and Tara fly too!
I can't believe that tomorrow will be New Year's Eve.
There were so many things happened to me this year. My work partner left after working together for nearly 8 years. Then our office moved to a new location. But, of course, the biggest event was to welcome a new family member, Tara.
I'm so grateful for both of Ikura and Tara who bring lots of happiness to me.
And guess what, I kept taking photos of them every day this year. Don't you think it's quite impressive?
I also attended many seminars and workshops to learn how to keep companion birds. I'd like to keep studying and seek the best way to make Ikura and Tara happy next year too.
By the way, I've got a full spectrum light bulb for birds, but haven't used it yet. When the weather is miserable and Ikura and Tara cannot enjoy the sunshine, I'll give it a try for them. So wait for my review sometime next year!
Thank you so much for visiting our blog this year and I hope you will enjoy coming here next year too! Wish you all a happy New Year!!

また、鳥さんのセミナーやワークショップなどに参加する機会がたくさんあり、いろいろな方と知り合えたこと、そしてたくさんの知識を得ることができました。 来年も引き続き、イクラとタラの幸せを最優先できる方法を模索するべく、たくさんの学びの機会が得られることを願っています。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 Dec 2018

Ikura and Tara / イクラとタラ

These days Ikura is trying to preen Tara, but it seems that Tara isn't ready to accept Ikura's kindness yet.
But... I can see some change in Tara, as he suddenly allowed me to preen him!
When he was a baby budgie, he relied on me and did let me preen him. Then when he grew up, he didn't want me to touch him anymore.
Speaking of Tara, he looked unwell one day last week. Fortunately it was just one day and he has been doing well since then. Just in case, I'm taking him to the vet this week though. It's always important to make sure everything is fine before it's too late.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

16 Dec 2018

It's time to prepare for winter. / 冬支度。

In Tokyo it's getting colder these days, and I have attached panel heaters on cages for Ikura and Tara. Well, I haven't used them yet though.
It's very difficult to figure out when exactly we should start warming up caged birds. Of course, it's important to keep warm when your budgie is unwell. But what about budgies in good condition?
When I was a kid I would keep budgies outside, but everything has changed since then, I suppose.
So far the room temperature is over 15C in our house, so it seems alright. I'll keep watching Ikura and Tara and if I see there is any change in them, I'll start warming up.
Ikura lost a couple of flight feathers last week, so I'll keep an eye on him. As for Tara, he enjoys flying around my room.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

9 Dec 2018

Let's start living healthier. / 生活習慣を見直そう。

I talked about Tara's brownish cere when we visited a vet last weekend and he told me to control his diet.
Well, I was wondering if it would be enough... Tara doesn't try to feed us nor shaking his bottom, but he does lift his bottom like a female budgie.
He loves biting paper and going to a narrow space. So I put away all paper when he is out of his cage. And I also cover every tiny space where Tara prefers going in.
I think it works, as his cere is changing. On the first photo, the left is the one I took last month. And the right is the one I took yesterday. His cere is still a bit brownish, but not so much. I'll keep an eye on him and do my best for his health.
By the way, I've prepared Christmas gifts for Ikura and Tara. They're already curious...


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

2 Dec 2018

To balance hormones / ホルモンバランスを整える

I took Ikura and Tara for check-up yesterday, and we didn't find anything wrong with both of them. But I have to think of Tara's diet more seriously. His care is still a bit brownish and the vet says it's because of hormonal imbalance.
He says I should feed him less and keep him hungry all the time. Hmm... I understand it's very important to prevent diseases, but it's a bit harsh, right?
I'll think of the amount of his meal, but I think it's more important to let him keep busy with foraging. I've put another foraging toy in his cage, so I hope it'll work.
There are more toys coming for Ikura and Tara, as I've ordered them as their Christmas gifts. Let's enjoy foraging, and be happy and healthy!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ