31 May 2015

Have I got something on my face? / 顔に何かついてる?

Have I got something on my face? I'm talking about my face, not Namihei's one. These days she often comes to me and likes pecking at my face. Is she trying to show respect for me? Does she fancy me now? Or does she think it's necessary to clean my face?!
Anyway, I feel she now recognises a bond between us. Just in case, I'm the boss!
Those who are interested in Namihei, please also visit my website, "Yukariusagi" to find more photos of Namihei!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

30 May 2015

Everybody loves Namihei! / みんな大好き、波平

It took time to convince my mum to welcome a budgie. She kept saying NO until Namihei came to our house. And guess what, now she is into Namihei too!
She even cares how long Namihei should enjoy the sunshine outside every day.
I'm planning to take a trip this summer and it will be one night trip. My mum says she will take days off to look after Namihei while I am away. Hmm... Namihei must appreciate our support!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

29 May 2015

A big eater again! / 食いしん坊、ふたたび。

Can I have more?!
Since the vet has told me to have Namihei lose weight, I scale the amount of her meal every day. I always put 11g (two types of mix seeds, pellet, green veggie powder, and calcium stuff).
Is it too much? Mind you, she is a "jumbo" budgie. Besides she doesn't eat all of them. She always pushes out the seeds she doesn't like...
Anyway, since we both love eating, we can be really good friends through "food"!

Where is food?
お医者さんから波平の体重を落とすように言われて以来、毎日なみちゃんのご飯の量を量っています。いつも、11g (2種類のミックスシード、ペレット、小松菜チップ、ボレー粉)です。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 May 2015

Can't have it all! / 思い通りにならない

Perhaps I spoiled Namihei too much? Recently she often says "NO" (just making unpleasant noise) when she faces something she doesn't want. Even it's her own fault, she gets mad!
Is this because she is a girl? Or is this kind of a rite of passage into adulthood? (Namihei was born in last August.)
I really hope she will calm down a bit and become a proper lady budgie!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

27 May 2015

I'm not a prisoner! / ケージは嫌だ!

I really would like to know how to let Namihei go back to her cage. She really doesn't want to go back there and I always have to lure her with some toys, chase her a lot, or trick her with turning off the light.
Well, I don't want to turn off the light, as Namihei sometimes goes into a panic and hits a wall. Ah, what should I do next?!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

In a bad mood / ご機嫌ななめ

Recently Namihei often shows this pose and I've learned that it means she is in a bad mood. This banana pose shows her bad temper?! Well, I have no idea why she shows that... what did I do?!
Or is she just teasing me?
Anyway, no worries, she still follows me and wants to play with me at least.
Perhaps the moulting period annoys her too much?


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

26 May 2015

Namihei has so much energy! / 元気いっぱい波平

It's good to see Namihei is very energetic, but what's annoying is she wants to gnaw things she shouldn't touch!
I even offered paper, but perhaps it wasn't her cup of tea and she was obsessed by my textbook instead. Oh, at least she isn't interested in paperbacks. Maybe because of the smell of the paper?!
She also wants to bite my precious budgie collection! Oi, that's not your friend though!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 May 2015

Stuck! Got you! / はまった!つかまえた!

I usually take one day off every month though I haven't got any particular plan. And today was the day and I spent with Namihei at home.
Well, she should think of her size before doing something. See, you stuck! Don't you think you look a bit clumsy?
Oh, I also caught her when she threw her nemesis, "carrot" from her meal box!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 May 2015

Fancy it! or not? / 波平の好きなもの、嫌いなもの

I thought Namihei was interested in a mirror, but apparently not. She is just obsessed about gnawing plastic.
Well, she doesn't like some seeds, such as black one, and long and thin one. She always remove them from her precious food box! But Namihei, I now scale the amount of your meal, so you shouldn't waste anything. Otherwise you will not have anything to eat... I won't be generous, chubby Namihei!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 May 2015

Brave budgie, Namihei / たくましくなった波平

Namihei always hesitated to leave my room when I tried to go out. But it seems that she has learned not to afraid outside. Last night and tonight she flied to our living room and I had to chase her for a while. Perhaps she found freedom there! Well, how did I catch her? I turned off the light and reached her. She had to rely on me in such a dark world. Victory shall be mine!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

22 May 2015

Boundary & Bond / 波平と私

Now I'm learning what is the preferable distance between Namihei and me.
When I try to play with Namihei, she  often shows the attitude, "Leave me alone".
When I try to leave me room, she often follows me with a look, "Don't leave me alone".
Hmm... okay, I think Namihei just wants me to be her guardian?! Well, she is a difficult budgie!


21 May 2015

It's so annoying! / もうイヤ!

What's annoying for me is Namihei keeps fluttering her wings next to me when I have supper.
What's annoying for Namihei is the moulting period itself.
Well, it seems that it's too much for her. Look at her face on the photo!
Anyway, I really hope it will pass as soon as possible...


20 May 2015

Moulting period again! / 換羽期がやってきた

I wonder how often moulting period comes to Namihei every year. According to the doctor who sees Namihei, it may often comes, because she lives in a house.
She drops her feathers everywhere and I'm sure it helps her lose weight a bit.
Namhei also checked a scale, but unfortunately, she just gained weight!
Poor you, Namihei!


19 May 2015

I want to be you! / 真似っこ波平

When I have supper, Namihei is next to me and she also starts eating too.
I've heard that budgies want to do the same thing with their company.
Then why can't she behave better (like me)?!
Today we had kind of a fight, because she behaved badly and didn't listen to me. At first, she also showed anger, but in the end she came to me and twittered. Well, I accepted it as her apology. No worries, now we're fine!


18 May 2015

Go on a diet! / ダイエット

Well, from now on I need to be strict on Namihei's diet, as she is chubby...
Today's her meal was less than usual and I'm wondering if it can cause stress on her. It seems that her moulting period has started again, so it's quite difficult time now.
She is already irritated enough and it's not so easy to tame her. Oh well, I hope we can get along with together. At least, we are in the same boat, "to go on a diet"!


17 May 2015

A bit chubby, eh? / 太っちょ、波平

I took Namihei to the bird hospital today, as I worried about her weight. She lost 3g for a week and I thought it was time to have her take a heath check-up.
At first, the doctor was surprised at her current weight. You know, I came to the hospital with worrying about losing weight. But her current weight is 10g heavier than the previous record checked a couple of months ago.
Well, she tells me to have Namihei lose weight more and shows me her fat!
Anyway, everything was fine and now I need to work on not only my own diet, but also Namihei's one...


14 May 2015

Keeping Namihei / なみちゃんのお世話

I think I'm a quite good mum for Namihei. Well, I would say my score is 4 out of 5 points.
In the morning, I'm busy enough to prepare to go to work, but I wake her up, clean her cage a bit, put new seeds (mixing 5 types!) and clean water, play with her, and let her enjoy the sunshine outside if the weather is nice!
I hope she will appreciate my caring...


13 May 2015

Temperature difference / 温度差

I still have a cold and now am suffering with a blocked nose.
Well, I browsed on the Internet and it seems Namihei (budgies) couldn't have a human cold, because of the body temperature difference.
A budgie has a high temperature and this is why it is less likely to catch a virus from a human.
Anyway, it's not pleasant to have a cold, so I must get rid of it as soon as possible!


12 May 2015

I'm quite unhappy with you! / 何それ!

It's important to keep Namihei in good health, of course, but I realised it would also be important to think of my health!
Now I'm still suffering from a sore throat and a bit runny nose, so I can't let Namihei outside long.
Look at the photo! This is the pose when she wants to show her disagreement. Well, it can't be helped though. I'll go to bed early and hope to recover fully tomorrow!


11 May 2015

Having a cold together?! / 風邪はうつる?

Now I have a cold. I'm suffering from a sore throat and have a runny nose.
Well, Namihei seems to be all right, but I'm wondering how this cold came to me.
Namihei kept sneezing for a couple of days and her stuff often came to my face. Anyway, I try not to pass my cold to her...


8 May 2015

Spoiled budgie, Namihei / 甘えん坊、波平

Recently Namihei often lifts up both of her wings and makes a little space in the sides.
According to some bird books, it means she wants to play with me or wants something from me. Basically she wants to be coddled.
To be honest, she looks rather bossy and demanding something from me.
Oh well, it's a difficult time again. Now she wants to bite me a lot!
By the way, Namihei is picked "today's bird story" on the bird community website.

