29 Apr 2017

Fibrosarcoma / 線維肉腫

We went to the clinic today and confirmed that Namihei's beak problem was fibrosarcoma.
I decided to move on a surgery to remove her upper beak, because this is the only way to hope her full recovery.
Even if I chose chemotherapy, her damaged beak would not come back.
Namihei already started taking medicine to be prepared for the surgery. I'm taking her to the vet for checkup in a week and then we'll schedule the surgery.
We'll discuss details on her treatment plan later, but what I know is the surgery itself is very complicated and there is a risk of her life. Even she gets through the surgery, we have to be careful with infections. If everything goes well, she will be able to come home in three weeks.
I must believe her strength and I'm sure she will make it. Please keep praying for my beloved budgie, Namihei.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 Apr 2017

Where to sleep / 波平の寝る場所

Namihei and I share the same room. Well, it's my room, but I'm sure she also thinks it's her room.
When I go to work, I usually put her cage in the living room so that she can enjoy other birds' singing outside.
Since Namihei goes to bed earlier than I do, I try not to make lots of noise at night.
I always put her cage next to my bed so that I can check her in case she makes a noise. But last night I put it near the closet room, which is not close to my bed.
I think it's better than next to my bed, as she was so quiet during the night. I did hear she pulled out her feathers a couple of times though.
It's always important for anyone to have a good sleep.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

27 Apr 2017

Companion birds / コンパニオンバード

I want to know Namihei more and want her to enjoy her life as much as possible.
This Sunday I'm going to join a seminar to study about companion birds.
As you know, Namihei is facing a difficulty now and we need to make a decision on what kind of treatment we should give to her.
So far the moulting period annoys her, but she is doing well.
When I was a kid, there were many budgies and love birds in my house, but I was so ignorant and I didn't think of their happiness seriously.
Namihei is the one I welcomed by myself for the first time and I must do my best for her!

今度の日曜日、『コンパニオンバード入門 鳥との幸せな暮らし方』という講座を受けてきます。キャンセル待ちしていたら、無事に席が空きました!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 Apr 2017

Namihei's beak / 波平のクチバシ

I was late to come home and didn't have enough time to let Namihei out in the evening.
Well, I grabbed her when I prepared her supper in the cage. I just wanted to check how her beak was now.
Poor Namihei, it still looks painful and I also noticed that the shape of her upper beak was changed a bit. It's crooked, I think. Is that why it's difficult for her to eat from a normal meal box?
I don't want to damage her beak, so I didn't try to push it. But... what if it's already fragile?!
There are so many things which make me feel uneasy now, but I really hope everything is going to be okay.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 Apr 2017

Relaxing time / リラックスタイム

Namihei usually plays alone and she doesn't want to play with me.
Well, I call her, but she rarely comes to me! Perhaps she pretends not to hear me.
Last night we were in the living room together. Guess what, she came to me when I called her. Then she started grooming herself on my knee and looked very peaceful.
I always feel happy when she looks very relaxed or starts dozing off on my hand or shoulder.
I hope she can feel what I feel so that we can share the happiness.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

22 Apr 2017

Super Moulting / 換羽まっさいちゅう。

Finally moulting started and Namihei dropped a lot of feathers on the floor.
The problem is she also pulls out her feathers. How can I stop her dong that?
I wish I could let her take a bath too. She is on medication and the vet tells me not to let her bathe.
Well, her new carry cage arrived today. Since we have to go to the clinic for a while, I wanted to get a more comfortable one for her. Hopefully she'll like it. I've also got some items for her cage too. I put a ladder in her cage and guess what, she climbed up it once! I think she is a quick learner.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

21 Apr 2017

Pollen Allergy / 花粉症

I'm wondering if a budgie can have an allergy to pollen?!
I've noticed that Namihei keeps sneezing when she is out of her cage in the evening. Actually, when she is around me.
Once she goes back to her cage, she seems to be fine and she doesn't sneeze in the morning.
That means I'm the one who always brings some pollen when I come back home. And she gets an allergy to it.
As for me, I myself have an allergy to pollen and take supplements during the spring.
Maybe I should ask for the vet about this when we visit him next weekend. I just hope it is not a cold.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

20 Apr 2017

Namihei has got a sixth sense. / シックスセンス

I share my room with Namihei and when I let her sleep, I always put her cage next to my bed.
Last night she woke me up with getting panics. She suddenly started fluttering her wings and made lots of noise.
I turned on the light and checked her in the cage. She looked very frightened with her eyes wide open.
I tried to calm her down, but she wasn't looking at me and it took time she finally became herself. I checked the watch and it was after 2 o'clock.
In the morning I checked the earthquake report and guess what, there was an earthquake happened in Ibaraki prefecture, which is closed to Tokyo, around the same time.
Does she have a sixth sense?! Well, I guess every animal has got kind of a sixth sense though.
I wish I could talk with her!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

19 Apr 2017

Let's go home. / お家に帰ろう。

These days Namihei is very reasonable and she goes back to her cage when I ask her. I just say "it's time to go home" and lead her to the cage. That's all. Then she goes back to her cage without argument.
Well, it was always difficult to let her go back to her cage before though. I had to turn off the light in my room to keep her quiet...
Perhaps she is not so energetic now and doesn't want to consume unnecessary energy. Or she is just hungry and wants to go back to her cage?
Either way, I want her to feel happy and comfortable, and enjoy her life with me.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

18 Apr 2017

A lazy day with you / 一緒にダラダラ。

I liked keeping myself busy and always tried to make plans on weekends.
Since I welcomed Namihei, everything has changed. I liked to go to cafe for reading or studying languages, but now I prefer staying at home.
I've learnt that it's important to do nothing and be lazy sometimes.
Today was the lazy day. I took a day off, got up late (Namihei didn't wake me up), and kept watching American TV dramas.
As for Namihei, she was hanging around me, though she wasn't watching the dramas. At least, we did enjoy the sunshine for a while outside. That was good too.
Oh, by the way, my room is stink, because of Namihei. You know, she hasn't taken a bath for more than a month. Whenever I come back to my room, I can tell she is there. It's very strong...


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

17 Apr 2017

Be Happy! / 前向きでいること。

Yesterday I spent all day with Namihei at home and she was so quiet. She mostly kept napping in her cage and I really worried about her.
I think she can feel what I feel or what I have in mind. So she must have been upset.
I've got so many warm comments on Instagram and realised how Namihei is loved by many people.
I cannot be sad anymore and should think of what I can do for her. Perhaps she has noticed my attitude. My mum says she must be tired from the clinic over the weekend, but somehow she looks different today. She is more energetic and I can feel that she is also trying to do her best to survive.
So we will be happy and do our best to get through the difficulty.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

15 Apr 2017

Fighting cancer / ガンと闘う。

We visited the vet today and got the result of the sample test.
It's a myofibrosarcoma. That's a cancer, we can say. The vet asked me to make a decision on Namihei's treatment.
He can do an operation to remove her upper beak completely so that we can get rid of the cancer. But the operation itself has got a risk and she may not be able to survive. Besides if the cancer already spread to other parts, we wouldn't be able to do anything for it. 
We can try chemotherapy, but there is no enough data for budgies, so Namihei can become like a guinea pig. 
Of course, there is an option that we do not do anything and let her enjoy the rest of her life.
We're visiting the vet again in a couple of weeks and he says he will get a second opinion on the result just in case.
Until then she can spend her time as usual, so I shouldn't cry in front of her. This isn't the end of her life. This is the start to fight cancer together. 


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

14 Apr 2017

Ready to eat! / 食べる準備はできています。

I was really worried about Namihei yesterday, because of her appetite. This morning she was as usual and her meal box was nearly empty.
Actually, she was hungry and kept waiting for her breakfast! I know I shouldn't feed her too much, but I was so glad to see her appetite came back.
Her poo condition isn't so great, as I can see a bit yellow colour water too.
We're visiting the vet tomorrow and I hope she doesn't need to stay in hospital. Oh, we may also be able to hear the result of the sample test. I'm praying for her and I'm hoping we'll have good news.

どうやら、なみちゃんはお腹が空いていたようで、私がごはんの準備をするのを待っていました。もちろん、ごはんのあげすぎはいけませんが、やっぱり食欲が戻っていつもの食いしん坊なみちゃんを見ると、うれしくなりますね。 ただ、フンの状態はあまり良いとはいえず、尿の部分がちょっぴり黄色っぽくなってたりします。明日は診察なので、そのまま入院なんてことになりませんように!先週行った病理検査の結果も出ているかもしれません。なみちゃんのためにいつも祈っていますが、どうか結果が良いものでありますように。

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

13 Apr 2017

Namihei skipped her supper. / 絶食便

Last night I didn't notice anything odd in Namihei's condition, but something must have been wrong with her.
When I woke her up in the morning, she looked same as usual and kept singing. Then I noticed that her meal box was still full with her supper and her poo colour was unusual. It was the colour when a budgie didn't eat at all.
I let her out of her cage and gave her some seeds. At first, she just pretended to eat them, but she finally started eating them. In the end she even stole the pellets I was preparing for her daytime meal.
Yet I didn't feel comfortable when I had to leave for work. I kept thinking of Namihei at work and dashed home once I finished working. I was so relieved that she had been doing well as usual. She already went to bed after eating her supper.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

12 Apr 2017

The Law of Attraction / 引き寄せの法則

Do you believe the law of attraction? Well, I do believe it and that's why I try to keep positive. Although I sometime become Marvish... it means I feel miserable (anyone remembers the miserable robot, Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series?!).
Anyway, I was thinking about visiting a temple in Kyoto to get a lucky charm for Namihei. That temple offers a lucky charm for pet birds too! But I can't let Namihei alone at home, so what should I do?! (It's quite far from Tokyo where I live.) I was thinking a lot last Saturday and then guess what! I got a message from one of followers in Instagram and she said she had visited that temple and prayed for Namihei too. And yes, she has got the lucky charm for Namihei too. Can you believe that?!
Today I receive it and put it on her cage. I'm very glad to know there is someone who also thinks of Namihei.
So I believe everything is going to be okay with her.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

11 Apr 2017

Home Alone / お留守番。

I'm always wondering what Namihei is doing while I'm away from home. I once thought about setting up a web camera so that I could check her on my iPhone, but I changed my mind. You know, I can't concentrate on my work!
So what I can do is only guess what did happen with checking her and her cage.
I didn't find any feathers on the floor today, so it means she was quiet.
In the morning I let her get out of her cage and she kept biting my hand. To be honest, it's quite painful, but I have kind of mixed feelings. I'm relieved to feel that she has got enough power. Well, I think she is trying to reduce her stress with attacking me. That's okay now!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

10 Apr 2017

Let's have a break. / 休みも必要。

I spent all day with Namihei yesterday and allowed her to play outside only while I was cleaning her cage.
I think it was enough for her. She did enjoy her free time and then rested in her cage after that.
So far she eats a lot as usual and is doing well. She started moulting and this makes me feel uneasy though. Does she have enough strength and energy to complete the moulting?
Anyway, I just only let her to get out of her cage for 5 minutes in the morning. If I don't do that, it also gives her too much stress. At least, she doesn't keep flying around. She mostly stays on my shoulder. That's so lovely!


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ