Well, I can say it's not something you see every day.
I've got a copy of the images for Namihei. If you look at the upper left image, that's the part a nasty fibrosarcoma stays. The beak part is supposed to be white, but it looks empty, because the sarcoma ate away the bone.
Let's move to the upper right photo. Can you see a hole next to the cere? It's supposed to be blank (it is blank on the left one), but we can see white there. It can be her snivel, according to the vet.
Actually, she often sneezes at night... something is stuck inside?!
We both must keep our good health until the surgery day comes!
変わって右上の画像ですが、ろう膜の隣部分の穴(とがった山形になってます) の部分、おわかりですか?ここは鼻の中なので、逆に空洞になっていなくてはいけませんが(左だと空洞ですよね)、白くなっています。これ、なみちゃんの鼻水の可能性が高いようです。

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