28 Feb 2015

It's time for your medication. / お薬の時間だよ。

It's time for your medication!
Namihei needs to take a drop from each bottle on the photo every morning and night.
Of course, she always refuses to take them, so I need to help her with singing a weird song made up by me!
"Nami chan, it's a lovely medicine. It tastes good, doesn't it? Did you take it? Did you?!"
Today I ordered a supplement bottle called "Nekton" for Namihei. Well, it was pretty expensive, more expensive than the one I take...
Anyway, if it makes Namihei's health better, that's worth a try!


27 Feb 2015

This is not what I want. / これじゃない!

Not this one!
Yesterday I saw that Namihei was pecking the green veggie, "Komatsuna".
Finally she realised the importance of it for health?! Did she decide to eat it?!
Well, the answer is "NO", unfortunately. She was pecking it, because she was bored and pissed off!
Just in case, I tried to put it in front of her this morning. She did lean back to avoid the green alien and she looked like a circus budgie...
My apologies, but you really need it!
As for me, I got the lovely bird cake from one of my workmates at work.
I thought this looked like Namihei, but another workmate said it looked like me...
Namihei or Yukari?


26 Feb 2015

Namihei is under the weather. / 元気のない波平

In meditation
Namihei was a bit quiet today. She even looked a bit under the weather.
I really worry about her so much and wish we could communicate in English or Japanese... well, I could try in Russian too!
I can think of several reasons why she doesn't look well now.
Of course, she is still struggling with her illness. What else? She is still facing the 2nd moulting period and I'm sure it bothers her too.
And? She must be pissed off, because she can't play outside...
Anyway, I'll be at home this weekend, so I hope it will make her feel better.

New feathers


25 Feb 2015

Let me out! / 出してちょうだい。

I'm bored...
I'm sure Namihei is wondering why she cannot play outside.
Well, the doctor has told me not to let you out until we go back to the hospital for another check-up.
At least I let her out twice a day, when I check her weight and give her medication.
The problem is she knows what I am going to do... when I want to give her medication, she runs away from me!
And finally I catch her, but she closes her mouth (beak) so tightly!
I really hope she won't get the idea that Yukari (me) is something she has to avoid... I'm a good mum to you, right?

Let me out!


24 Feb 2015

It's a girl! / 波平は女の子

I'm a girl!
Today I left work early again and took Namihei to the bird hospital.
Well, now I must correct my mistake... Namihei is a girl!
The doctor said, "well, it's a girl."...
I sometimes felt that Namihei might be a girl, to be honest. When "she" is in a bad mood and looks up at me, her eyes are very girlish.
Erm... "Namihei" is a boy's name and it rather sounds a bit old. And now you say Namihei is a girl?! What should I do?!
At least, I usually call her "Nami chan", so it should be okay, I hope!

Let's get back to her symptom. She is recovering, but has got another shot again. Poor Namihei! And after the shot, she puked a lot. It must have been very stressful for her.
From tomorrow I can give her medication twice a day for a week. And then I need to take her to the hospital for check-up again. Until then she must stay in her cage, so I really feel sorry for her. I really hope she will be able to play in my room soon!



23 Feb 2015

Namihei is struggling with weak digestion. / 波平、消化機能が落ちる

I'm recovering.
He was in a good mood yesterday morning, but it happened suddenly around lunch time. He started to puke a lot.
I could think of only one reason why it happened. An hour ago he hit the wall with panic, when an emergency buzzer rang.
So this must have caused something damage in his organs or digestive system. Or it must have caused traumatic stress.
I cancelled my schedule and took him to the bird hospital. The doctor said the same thing I was thinking about.
She told me to take him back tomorrow and would decide whether he had to stay in hospital. He also got a shot! Poor Namihei...
Today I left work early and took him to the hospital again. He got another shot, but was able to go home!
Well, I need to take him to the hospital tomorrow again and then if he is okay, they will prescribe medication, so I can give it to him at home. No more painful shot!
I really hope he will recover fully soon.

I came back from the hospital.

22 Feb 2015

Back in the swing! / ご機嫌な波平

What am I?
Namihei is in a good mood this morning. Perhaps he slept well last night? Or he finally found the tree tower interesting?
Either way, this makes me happy too!
But... he got excited too much and forgot himself, I suppose.
He rather looks like a monkey on the photo, doesn't he?! Okay, he is not an ordinary budgie, but still he is a budgie, not a monkey!
I've also put a new swing in his cage, so  I hope he will be happy there too.

I'm in a good mood.


21 Feb 2015

Teenage rebellion / 波平はお年頃

That's boring!
Do you know that budgies also have "teenage rebellion"?
Well, this is what Namihei is going through, I suppose.
It is a difficult time for both of us and if I don't take care of him in an appropriate way, perhaps we will face the end of our relationship.
I know I should not spoil him too much, but I also should not scold him too much. Yes, it's very important to have balance!
I bought the tree tower for him today. But so far, he isn't interested in it at all. He just stayed there a bit reluctantly, as he knew I wanted to take a photo of it!


20 Feb 2015

How to tame Namihei / ケージ内暴力発生

I don't want to go back to the cage yet!
I like Namihei and I'm sure he also likes me. We are pretty doing well, aren't we?
But I sometimes wonder if he really trusts me.
I often read blogs written by budgie keepers. Okay, it seems many budgies go to their keepers when they are called.
As for Namihei? Unfortunately never...
I keep calling "Namihei" while he ignores me!
Well, no worries, he comes to me even if I don't call him, so not too bad, I suppose.
The problem is he becomes very aggressive when I let him go back to the cage.
He pinches my right hand with his beak. Every time he pinches me, he looks up at me. It looks like he is saying, "Does it hurt? What about this?! Eh?!"
How to tame Namihei? The answer is "There is no way of taming him!"
So what?


19 Feb 2015

Namihei doesn't like veggies. / 波平は野菜がキライ

I prefer this!
Do you know "Komatsuna"? It looks like spinach and it is good to give it to budgies. As for spinach, it's said not to give it to them though.
Namihei has no interest in this green veggie, unfortunately. But I must keep trying to give it to him. So here is the solution. I bought a mixer to make smoothies with Komatsuna. Then we can share this veggie and we both will get fit in the end!
My workmates laugh at me as I always think first of Namihei. Yes, I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but it can't be helped.
If he looks up at me with like this face (the 2nd photo), I can't say "No"!



18 Feb 2015

Think of your size! / 自分の大きさわかってる?

I'm stuck!
Namihei likes to go to a narrow space. And sometimes he is stuck... He never thinks of his size, I suppose.
Okay, someone says "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow", but he rarely learns from the past.
Or he rather sticks to the spirit of "Never give up"?
Okay, he is a brave budgie, but please be careful. Now he is in a moulting period and flies very awkwardly.
He just fell behind the shelf... I don't want to take him to the hospital again!



17 Feb 2015

Namihei is in a bad mood. / 波平はご機嫌ななめ

Where is it?!
It happened last night, when I was preparing to let Namihei have a sleep.
I always put some seeds in a small cup and leave it on the desk so that Namihei can feed himself while he is out of the cage.
Well, it was time for him to go to bed, so I emptied the cup.
Then he came to the cup and found it empty. Perhaps he was still hungry? But now he looked angry... he was staring at me and then got in the cup!
And he started dancing inside to show how much he was pissed off.
But he can eat more when he gets back to the cage. What's the matter?!

I can't bear with it!
 At first I was shocked, but I couldn't stop laughing! Don't you think he is like a small kid who shows temper when he cannot have something he wants?! Grow up, Namihei!


I can drop everything!


16 Feb 2015

It's gone! / なくなっちゃった

It's gone!
Another tail feather is gone!
I found it missing when I got home today. Well, it was Namihei's main tail feather, so now he looks a bit awkward without it.
Besides it was very important for him to fly, I suppose. Now he can't fly high very well. I'm so sorry for him!
Well, at least my head seems to be more useful for him as his landing point though.
He looks very tiny now... he was supposed to be "jumbo"!
Anyway, I should treat him well while he looks miserable.
A bit left, please.


15 Feb 2015

Namihei had another go at bathing. / 波平、水浴び再チャレンジ

I'm not drinking.
Does every budgie like bathing?!
Well, Namihei had another go at bathing! I just put that small bowl for drinking, but he got inside instead. I must say he was sober though.
To be honest, I felt sorry for him, as that bowl was too small for him. I put another one, but it seemed to be too big for him. He is quite picky, isn't he?
Now I realise that he needs a shallow and wide bowl. Perhaps he is afraid to get into a deep one. But he is a "cup budgie" though. (If you don't know what it means, you must read my post on the 12th of February, 2015.)
Do you know a budgie has got a bit strong body odour? If you take a bath, it means you want to clean yourself, but in Namihei's case, the smell gets worse after bathing... well, I know he doesn't care about it though!
Do I look miserable?!


14 Feb 2015

Namihei's Daily Life / 波平の日常

I'm watching you!
I do my best to make Namihei's life better. I let him out from his cage in the morning and night.
I try to play with him, but in the end, I'm just his landing point!
Perhaps every budgie likes landing on the head?!
Oh, I remembered... long time ago, a crow also landed on my head. Well, it was rather like a kick though. And do you know what he did after that? He stopped in front of me and turned around to look at me. It seemed that he was saying, "Victory shall be mine!"
Well, get back to Namihei. I clean up his cage every Saturday morning. Of course, I did it today too. I'm a good keeper, right? He is talking to himself on my shoulder and doesn't listen to me at all!

My new friends

13 Feb 2015

Me and Namihei / 波平とわたし

That's mine!
I found feather left on the floor of the cage this morning. I think it was a tail feather.
Namihei is facing the 2nd moulting period right now and has got many new feathers especially around his face.
I'm sure it's really annoying, as he sometimes comes to me to tell me to help him groom himself.
Now let's talk about me and Namihei. What am I for him? A mum or what? Can be his potential partner? Or... I'm just his servant?! We quite get along each other, I suppose, but he doesn't listen to me at all.
For example, he won't come to me, even if I call him. He just comes to me when he needs me or gets bored. Anyway, it's okay as long as we are both happy, aren't we?
Now he is on my shoulder and try to take a nap while I'm writing this post!

I'm all right!

12 Feb 2015

A Cup Budgie / コトリカップ

I'm in the middle of something...

 Today I should avoid to talk about poo...
Well, I can't have a cup of tea when Namihei is around me. Why? Because he sneaks up to my cup and tries to get in it.
It seems that every budgie loves to get in cups, as I have found many photos of "cup budgies".
As for Namihei, he wants to have a look in every cup, plate, whatever he can sneaks in.
This morning he was checking a barrel. I got this from a friend of mine in Russia and there was lovely honey inside. Sorry, I ate all of it, like a Winnie the Pooh.
Perhaps he wants to have a smell? Honey smell?

I am completely knackered.


11 Feb 2015

You can't catch me! / ここまでおいで!

Namihei was born in August last year. Yes, he has grown up a lot and now he can fly high.
When he doesn't want to go back to his cage, he often goes to the top of a hanging rack in my room.
Okay, you won. I have no objection. You can stay there as long as you want! Ah, I wish I could say that.
In reality, I rather want to shout, "Oi, Namihei, come back here. You shouldn't be there!"
Why am I in a rush? Because of the poo! It seems that he is very comfortable there, which means he takes a poo a lot. And I'm sure you can guess where it reaches in the end... Yes, my clothes are the terminal station for his poo...
Maybe I should talk about something else next time!

Leave me alone!
Can you reach me, eh?

10 Feb 2015

A cunning budgie, Namihei / なみちゃんに気をつけろ!

Yes, Namihei is quite cunning, I suppose.
As I mentioned before, I study Russian and I went to a Russian class at university after work. When I opened my textbook, I was gasped. I'm sure you can guess what I did see on it. Yes, Namihei's poo!
He left a poo there secretly... when was it? It must be a couple of days ago, as I was working on homework over the weekend.
Well, I really have to be careful about this unwelcome gift. "You have got something white on your back!" My workmates has said it to me twice so far. What is the white one? Of course, this is a precious gift from my budgie, Namihei!

Victory shall be mine!

9 Feb 2015

Where is the loo? Where is the poo? / トイレはどこ?

Well, I sometimes feel that Namihei is teasing me. Or he can be a smart arse?!
In the morning he was playing with a mirror on the desk and I was hoovering the floor.
Suddenly he came to me and took a poo exactly where I was hoovering. And then he just got back to the desk! What's that supposed to mean?!
Actually he often does the similar thing. He suddenly comes to me and leaves his poo on my hand and then just goes back where he is playing. Am I his portable loo?!
At least he doesn't look apologetic at all...

This is my favourite mirror!
I've done nothing wrong though.
じつは、こういうことはよくあるのです。ひとりで遊んでたのに、突然寄ってきたかと思うと、フンだけ落としてまた戻っていく。 わ、私ってなみちゃんの携帯トイレ扱いなのか?!

8 Feb 2015

The germ is gone! / 菌が消えた!

I took Namihei to the clinic for another check-up yesterday. Thank God the germ was gone and his white blood cells got back normal.
Of course, I still need to keep an eye on him, but I'm really relieved now.
By the way, the clinic must be very popular, I suppose. It opens at 10:00 and I saw a queue when I arrived there before that time.
Every budgie looks cute and lovely, but I would say "Namihei is the best!"
You can see his latest photo album on my Google+. Please click here to visit the page!

Where am I going today?

6 Feb 2015

Namihei's daily life // 波平の日常

I know I should pay attention to Namihei more, but I'm quite busy and have many things to do. Of course, I have to earn money for him too!

Well, when he is out of his cage, he can play by himself, but once he gets bored, he comes to me. Now I attend a Russian class at university once a week and need to memorise many Russian words for a test. Namihei bothers me a lot with attacking my pen! Perhaps my orange pen attracts him.

Or he attacks my glasses... he doesn't need to wear such big glasses, does he?!
Anyway, no worries, I always treat him to this seed. :)

It's mine!
I can eat a lot.




4 Feb 2015

Not so bad... // まあ悪くないよ

Namihei is doing all right though I still give him antibiotics. Well, he has learned a lot and knows what I am going to do in the morning and night.
He tries to avoid me when I want to give him antibiotics, but he comes to me when he needs me. What does he want from me? He wants me to help him groom himself!

Yesterday the new photo album of Namihei arrived. If you're interested, you can see the digital album here.

How's it going?

2 Feb 2015

Itchy, irritating, molting / かゆくて嫌な換羽のとき

It seems that Namihei is facing the 2nd molting period now. He just finished the 1st one last December though. Is it normal?!
I checked several websites on the Internet, and the previous one should have been for growing up. He is still about 5 month-old baby and budgies usually face the first molting at three-four months old.
Then this time is it to get winter feather? Don't you think it's a bit late?
Anyway, he should be all right, as he sticks to his heater now. Oi, don't misunderstand me, it's NOT roasting!

It's comfortable!


1 Feb 2015

Splash, check-up, everything is new! / チャレンジ


It was quite a tough week for Namihei last week.
He puked a bit on Wednesday morning and I took him to the clinic near my house for the first time. It wasn't a specialised one for birds, so just to be sure, I took him the bird clinic on Saturday.

Well, he never did bathing, but he did it on Saturday morning, before taking him to the clinic. Did he know he would go out? Did he want to make him look better?! Anyway, he shouldn't worry about his looking, as he always looks lovely!

At the clinic, I really feel sorry for Namihei. He was really frightened...
Anyway, his poo was fine, but germs (weak ones) were found in his crop.
Did we have the same germs?! Actually I was suffering from diarrhea last week.

Now I need to let him take antibiotics twice a day, which causes lots of stress on him. I hope he won't start disliking me.

I'll take him to the hospital for another check-up next Saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed for him!

I'm all right.



