23 Feb 2015

Namihei is struggling with weak digestion. / 波平、消化機能が落ちる

I'm recovering.
He was in a good mood yesterday morning, but it happened suddenly around lunch time. He started to puke a lot.
I could think of only one reason why it happened. An hour ago he hit the wall with panic, when an emergency buzzer rang.
So this must have caused something damage in his organs or digestive system. Or it must have caused traumatic stress.
I cancelled my schedule and took him to the bird hospital. The doctor said the same thing I was thinking about.
She told me to take him back tomorrow and would decide whether he had to stay in hospital. He also got a shot! Poor Namihei...
Today I left work early and took him to the hospital again. He got another shot, but was able to go home!
Well, I need to take him to the hospital tomorrow again and then if he is okay, they will prescribe medication, so I can give it to him at home. No more painful shot!
I really hope he will recover fully soon.

I came back from the hospital.

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