31 Aug 2015

Love turned inside out / 愛情の裏返し

Namihei is quite difficult and it's not easy to understand her properly.
I spent over the weekend with her at home and she mostly took a nap next to me.
Well, the problem was she suddenly got aggressive and kept attacking me for a while. She was gnawing on my hands and if I pulled my hands away, she was chasing them!
Finally I got angry with her and fought back with breathing on her face. I'm sure she did notice my anger, because she followed me when I was leaving my room and became nice to me.
I really have to teach her not to attack me, even if it was just teasing...

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

30 Aug 2015

Relaxing Day / くつろぎの1日

Yesterday I went out in the morning, but spent all day at home after that. So I was able to spend time with Namihei, though I let her out only in the morning and evening.
I recently bought a paper craft birdhouse and was making it after lunch. Namihei was next to me and kept speaking to herself. Perhaps she hasn't realised that it shall be hers yet!
At night I was watching a film on my laptop and she was also watching it on my shoulder for a while. Then she got bored and started playing next to me. Well, I could say it was a relaxing day for both of us!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

29 Aug 2015

Born Diplomat, Namihei / 波平、駆け引き上手

It's said that budgies show their expressions a lot and so does Namihei.
I usually spend time with her every morning and night. Well, I missed one night, because I came home late. On the following morning, she seemed to be in a bad mood. Guess what, she turned back toward me when I called her! I really felt guilty at that time... then on the same day, when I came back, she showed pleasure with me and kept calling me until I came to her. Sometimes I'm a bit confused... who is the boss?! Does Namihei play a game with me?! Anyway, I'm a custodian!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 Aug 2015

MIND THE GAP / すき間にご注意!

Namihei likes hanging around on the printer sitting next to my desk and sometimes falls down from there. When she was a baby, I always worried about her too much and rescued her immediately. But nowadays, I just think, "Not again!" and let her get back by herself.
Well, mind the gap... she also likes hanging around on the keyboard and it seems that she drops her seeds or droppings there on purpose. She enjoys to watch me struggling with removing them in a tiny gap between each key, I suppose.  She is a very cunning budgie!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

27 Aug 2015

Just Being Around / ただそばにいるだけで

I like Namihei a lot, but I'm not sure how much she likes me... well, at least she is all right as long as she recognises me around her. It's not like "I'm happy with you just being around" though!
Sometimes I trick her and hide from her suddenly. Then she will start looking for me and calling me. It's so lovely, but once she finds me, she carries on what she is doing. And only when she is really scared or lonely, she comes to my shoulder and says "hi". Yeah, I can get tricked by her so easily!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

26 Aug 2015

Namihei & iPhone / 波平と iPhone

Last night Namihei was in a bad mood and she was so aggressive. I didn't pay attention to her enough and was chatting with a friend of mine on iPhone. Then she came to the iPhone and started attacking it! Apparently, it wasn't enough for her and she climbed up on the iPhone and disturbed my chatting. The problem is she is heavy enough to press a wrong key!
Well, it doesn't mean she wants to play with me. Because I start chasing her, she gets annoyed... does she fancy the iPhone and she thinks I'm her competitor?! I hope we can keep amicable relations!
By the way, do you know you can find me on Instagram too? Follow "yukariusagi" now!

 昨晩、波平はちょっとご機嫌斜めで暴れてました。というのも、私は iPhone で友だちとチャット中で、なみちゃんを放置してたんです。しばらくして、なみちゃんが iPhone に向かって突進してきて、攻撃を始めると、それでは物足りなかったのか、上によじ登ってきて、私のチャットの邪魔を始めました。困るのが、なみちゃんは重いので、キーを押せてしまうこと。
なみちゃんは、私と遊びたいわけではないんです。だって、追いかけるとイラっとされますからね。もしかして、なみちゃんは iPhone が好きで、私のことをライバルだと思ってますかね?!なみちゃんと友情関係を保てますように!



鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 Aug 2015

Budgie Sensor / インコセンサー

Last night I was busy to post information on Facebook and send an emails. And Namihei sensed she shouldn't bother me somehow and she was playing on her own next to me.
Well, sometimes I really admire her brightness. In the morning, since we haven't got enough time to play together, she seems to be reluctant to go back to her cage. She figures out when I want her to go back to cage and then she goes up so that I cannot reach her. Yeah, I can say she has got a sly face!
You want to see more Namihei photos? I just made a new album and you can see the contents here. http://www.mybook.co.jp/gallery/viewer.html?albumid=015G6TGr

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 Aug 2015

Reborn! (moulting period) / 波平、生え換わりスタート!

The moulting period is coming again! It means Namihei will tend to be in a bad mood and drop lots of feathers.
So I have to be prepared and need to clean up my room every time she flies around.
Well, she drops her old feathers a lot and moves around in my room, but she hasn't lost her weight so far. Has she got new feathers somewhere?! I can't see them though... Anyway, now I want to ask her to stop biting my hands. I've got so many bite marks on both of my hands. I'm begging you!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 Aug 2015

Namihei Mourns for Everything / 波平の嘆き

I usually let Namihei do whatever she wants as long as there is no harm. You know, she thinking my whole room is her own property.
Recently she often shows her disagreement with me. How? Well, she keeps mourning in front of me!
If I could translate it, it would be like this, "Yukari, you're wrong again. Why don't you understand me, eh? You're not listening to me at all." (with big sigh...)
Well, I sometimes copy her and can you guess what she will do then? She shows a threatening attitude! What a brave budgie!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

22 Aug 2015

All for Namihei / すべては波平のために

I started going to photography school. I recently bought an external flash for my DSLR. Well, All for Namihei. I want to take better photos of her! And someday I want to have a private exhibition of Namihei photos at a gallery... yes, that's my dream for the future.
It's quite difficult to take photos of her. If I ask her for the same pose again and again, she will show a threatening attitude to say "NO". You know, I have to become a good photographer, but she also has to become a good model too!

 最近、 写真教室に通い始めました。そして、一眼レフ用の外付けフラッシュを買いました。これ、すべて波平のためです。もっとなみちゃんの素敵な写真が撮りたくて。いつか、波平写真展なんてできたらいいな…という夢を抱いています(笑)。
にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

21 Aug 2015

Mind you, Young Lady! / これ、お嬢ちゃん!

Namihei is a girl budgie. Well, I thought she was a boy when I took her and that's why she has got a boy name.
Perhaps I should blame myself? You know, it can be said "Names and natures do often agree".
I was talking about her dropping stuck on her belly here. And I witnessed her crime scene with my own eyes! Sorry, if you are having a meal while reading this post. But how can I cover up such a crime scene! You must witness it with your own eyes too... if she loses her weight, can it be avoided?! Well, I hope so...

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

20 Aug 2015

I want to break free! / 自由になりたい

I usually let Namihei out from her cage in my room so that she can play safely. Well, when I haven't got enough time at night, I have to let her play in the living room while I have supper there.
Last night I did it, as I came home late. She really enjoyed flying around and did whatever she wanted. Finally my mum scolded her for her bad manner. I'm sure she was so frightened, because she followed me with no argument when I got back to my room. But... she won't learn anything from the past! She did enjoy doing whatever she wanted in my room.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

19 Aug 2015

No More Pellets! / ペレットはいらない!

I decided not to give pellets to Namihei anymore. What are pellets? They're balanced bird foods. They can be good in bird health, but not enjoyable to eat, I suppose.
And Namihei doesn't eat pellets either. She rather throws them away. I was hoping that she would start eating them eventually. Well, now I have to reduce amount of her meal, so I have to give up pellets. I'm still trying to figure out what is the best for her. I've heard that budgies prefer canary grass, but it has a high fat content, so it's not good to give it too much. Anyway, I'll see what I can do!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

18 Aug 2015

I'm starving... / ダイエットはつらいよ

Namihei usually starts eating when I have meals. I've heard that budgies like doing the same things their companies do.
Last night, however, she didn't eat her seeds while I had supper. Then I let her out of her cage and put some seeds in a plate. She dashed to it and kept eating them. Perhaps her plate in the cage was nearly empty and she was starving... I really feel sorry for her, but I cannot spoil her anymore. This is for the sake of her own health, so I must be strict with her diet.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

17 Aug 2015

How to lose weight / 減量するには

Namihei needs to lose weight now, so I'm the weight watcher for her.
Yesterday I gave her less amount of seeds in the morning and then went out all day. When I came back, she looked very thin (look at the photos), but actually the weight was same as before, no change.
I don't want to ruin her pleasure of eating, so I may need to consider diet food as well.
You know, if she could do exercise enough while she is out, that would be perfect though. Anyway, the vet said it wouldn't work and we must reduce the amount of the feeding...
Well, obesity is not good for budgies too!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

16 Aug 2015

I'm a birthday girl (budgie). / 誕生日ガール、波平

Yesterday Namihei became 1 year old. Well, I didn't give her any birthday gift, but instead, I took her to a clinic for health checkup. Basically she is chubby and a vet told me to have her lose weight. From now on, I have to be strict for her diet.
It was quite embarrassing at the clinic. This is for birds only and there were some budgies too. Every budgie looked very tiny and slim. I noticed their keepers were staring at Namihei. Of course, because she is enormous... or because she looks beautiful?!
Well, even she is fatty, I'm very happy with her and she always makes me happy too. Thank you so much, my little (oops, she is already adult and chubby) lovely budgie, Namihei.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ