30 Sept 2015

Every Window is Broken / 壊れた窓

I made a bird house for Namihei about a month ago. Well, it has not been her favourite place to play yet, but now she can stay there for a while. Why? Because the house has got windows! She enjoys breaking every window with her beak. To be honest, it was really hard for me to cut out every window when I made this house.
Anyway, the house looked very nice at first, but now it's like a ghost house, because of the broken windows. Perhaps it will be perfect when I decorate my room with Halloween stuff!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

29 Sept 2015

Whatever / じゆうなトリ、波平

When I see this flying photo, the song, "Whatever" by Oasis comes in my head. "I'm free to be whatever..." Yes, I think Namihei is singing this song!
As I always mention this here, she never listens to me and she does whatever she wants.
Well, she likes dropping things and always looks at me after throwing out something. I'm sure she enjoys seeing how I react. Hmm... perhaps she will get bored if I just ignore it? Anyway, I also want to be free and don't want to be told what I should do, so I let Namihei follow the same path!
By the way, again, this is Namihei blog, but did you see the beautiful moon last night?! I just want to share it with all of you...

 波平の飛んでる写真を見てると、オアシスの "Whatever"という曲が頭の中で流れるんです。「なんにでもなれる~」、そうです、きっとなみちゃんはこう歌ってるんですよ!
にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

28 Sept 2015

Birds, birds, and birds / トリがいっぱい

I know this is "Namihei blog" and I should talk about my adorable budgie, Namihei. But today please let me talk about other birds.
Yesterday I went to a bird cafe in Asakusa and really enjoyed playing with beautiful birds there.
In the cafe there are owls too and we can stroke them, but only gently though. I wish I could wear Harry Potter costume there. ha ha
Well, many birds are very friendly and some of them must have been fond of me, because they kept stick with me. They even started dozing off on my arm!
Anyway, I shouldn't forget about Namihei, of course. She is doing well and looking for something she can gnaw a lot.

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27 Sept 2015

No Slender Budgie / くびれがない

I have a workmate who keeps a budgie and she always admires the photos of Namihei. Well, I cannot say it means she indicates my photography skill, or the loveliness of Namihei.
Anyway, she often says Namihei is so lovely. Last week she told me the reason why Namihei looked so cute. She said, "Nami chan hasn't got a waist! That's why she can look cute!"
Erm... does it mean she is chubby enough?! Since then I've looked at photos of other budgies on Instagram and indeed, they're very slender! Now Namihei, we both need to claim a "waist"!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

26 Sept 2015

Manners Maketh Budgie / インコも育ちが大事

Namihei has been together with me for almost a year now, as she came to my house on the 3rd of October, 2014. Well, I just know she was born in Shizuoka. I don't know who are her parents and how she was treated in her homeland and the shop where she spent for a month.
At least she looked very quiet and well-mannered at the shop. She has spent a year with me and now look at her! I must say she has got a good sense of humour, thanks to me. Erm... I also have to admit that she becomes a bit wild... perhaps I'm a role model for Namihei? At least, we are getting along together, so this is not so bad!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

25 Sept 2015

Don't Catch a Cold / 風邪にご注意

The weather was lovely and it was pretty warm during the five-day holiday. Then yesterday it became cold and even started raining at evening. There are quite many colleagues having a cold and wearing a mask now.
As for me, so far I'm all right, thanks to honey!
Well, I'm a bit worried about Namihei. She sometimes keeps sneezing and her water is spread! Maybe she is a bit cold now? I hope she is all right and will not catch a cold. I'm a bit wondering... if the Namihei water (coming from her nose) can affect humans?!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

24 Sept 2015

Join the Dark Side / ダークサイドへ

In Japan we just had a five-day holiday and today I have to go back to the dark side, no, "work", I mean.
Well, recently Namihei likes to go to narrow spaces or somewhere very dark. Perhaps she can feel the force? I have no idea what she wants to do, but at least, I must confess that I'm very looking forward to the new Star Wars series. I know this is Namihei blog and I must keep talking about her here, but today let me keep talking about something else. Yesterday I saw the film, "Kingsman" and I really liked it. Colin Firth is one of my favourite actors and I re-watched some episodes of "Pride and Prejudice" (BBC) after supper. Hmm... Namihei also liked it and she started dozing comfortably. I think she liked the music in it. Anyway, I should not let her join the dark side!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

23 Sept 2015

Gnawing on Something / かじりたい

Beak is kind of hands for budgies, so they want to make sure everything with gnawing. So you shouldn't get angry at them, even if they try to gnaw on you.
This is what I have learned from a guide book for budgies.
As for Namihei, I feel that she rather looks for something to gnaw. And I must say she is quite successful, which means she damages my books and many things in my room. Now her favourite is a small wooden box. Well, she throws out everything kept inside and then starts gnawing on the box. Don't you think she is pretty wild?! I must teach her how to behave as a princess!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

22 Sept 2015

When Namihei gets bored... / 退屈したら…

When Namihei gets bored, she can play alone. Well, I'm really impressed by her creativity. Look at the first photo! I call it Inspector Namihei and it's the scene that she is dying in the line of duty. Perhaps I can make a drama with her in the future. I've got a good actress and now I need someone who can make a film!
And the 2nd photo, I call it "Godfather, Namihei". What do you think?
After taking that photo, of course, Namihei started attacking these hobbit birds. You know, she needs a bit of acting!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

21 Sept 2015

Namihei's Call / 波平が呼んでいる

I went out all day yesterday and came back just before 9 o'clock, which was the time when Namihei always went to sleep.
Well, she looked very happy when she saw me and kept calling me in a cheerful way. She was able to spent only 10 minutes outside and she wanted to stick to me all the time.
And this morning I was so exhausted and wasn't able to get up at the usual time. Namihei was calling me. I just waved to her to show I had noticed her. She wasn't satisfied with it, of course, and kept calling me until I finally got up and came to her. Now she is playing in my bookshelf happily!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

20 Sept 2015

A Budgie Model, Namihei / インコモデル、波平

Namihei is a curious budgie, but it always takes time to get used to new things. That's why it took time for us to become friends as well.
Anyway, I want her to be an ideal model for my photography. I have an assignment at photography school every month and my theme is Namihei.
Well, these days she is a bit shy and tries to escape from my camera. Or can she be just fed up with that?! One day I shall take the best shot of her!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

19 Sept 2015

Autumn is coming. / 食欲の秋

Autumn is coming. In Japan we say that we tend to eat more in autumn. There are some reasons behind it, but now let me talk about Namihei. Yes, she wants to eat more and more.
Last night I came home late and felt sorry for Namihei, as she was waiting for me. So I gave her more seeds than usual and she finished them quickly. Yet she seemed to want more. I don't want her to starve, but I cannot let her get chubby. It's always difficult to think of the balance.

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

18 Sept 2015

Open your heart! / 波平、心を開く

Namihei has been in my house for nearly a year and it seems that she is getting closer to me. Yes, she is opening her heart to me, I suppose.
When I come home, I always call her. She ignored me before but now she responds to me.
While she hangs out, she also comes to me when I call her. Well, I can't say it always happens though.
It may take time for her to trust me fully, but I hope we can understand and trust each other in the future. And please let me take a nice Namihei shot!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

17 Sept 2015

Picky Namihei / グルメなインコ、波平

These days Namihei wants to eat more and she dashes to me when I prepare her seeds. And of course, she tries to steal some or jumps into the box keeping seeds.
When she started dieting, her weight was 53g and now it is 49g. Well, not too bad, eh?
I don't want her to waste any seed in her meal box, but... she always throws out bigger ones. I finally picked the bigger ones and kept in a plate on my desk. Then she started eating them when she was out of her cage. She even looked enjoying having them!
Is she too picky?! You know, she thinks she should have bigger seeds outside?! She must explain how her meals should be served then.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

16 Sept 2015

Mighty Namihei / スーパー波平

Sometimes I think Namihei is a bright budgie. Yesterday Namihei was hanging around in the book shelf and it was time to go back to her cage. Can you guess what she said when I tried to catch her? Well, she said, "Wait a sec!" Erm... I didn't listen to her and caught her though.
I also talked about the morning when we had an earthquake. Namihei noticed it and flapped about in the cage. And I mentioned that the possibility that she may have noticed the earthquake was coming! A couple of nights ago, I dropped a desktop mirror behind her cage while she was sleeping. The cage was covered with towel, so she couldn't see it happened. Well, she didn't move nor cry. So apparently she wasn't surprised at this. Hmm... it's very interesting and I want to find out Namihei's true power!

にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

15 Sept 2015

Flakes of Namihei / 波平の粉

I think... during moulting period every time Namihei moves, she drops her dead skin. Well, it's quite a lot and she leaves everywhere.
A couple of days ago, I felt that the screen of my laptop was not so clear. Then I noticed that the screen was covered with Namihei's flakes.
I've heard of white powder for cockatiels, but this isn't powder. It's a flake! And I call it Namihei's dandruff.
I'm wondering when her current moulting period will finish... you know, now I have to clean up more often than usual.

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