As I always mention this here, she never listens to me and she does whatever she wants.
Well, she likes dropping things and always looks at me after throwing out something. I'm sure she enjoys seeing how I react. Hmm... perhaps she will get bored if I just ignore it? Anyway, I also want to be free and don't want to be told what I should do, so I let Namihei follow the same path!
By the way, again, this is Namihei blog, but did you see the beautiful moon last night?! I just want to share it with all of you...
波平の飛んでる写真を見てると、オアシスの "Whatever"という曲が頭の中で流れるんです。「なんにでもなれる~」、そうです、きっとなみちゃんはこう歌ってるんですよ!
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