6 Jul 2017

Is it time to get out? / もう外に出ていい?

Namihei was so energetic today and it made me feel happy. Plus her wound looks alright, so now I'm looking forward to asking the vet if it is time to let her play outside a bit this Saturday.
Well, I post her photos on Instagram everyday even after she has lost her upper beak. You know, there is no reason why I should stop. Besides I want to tell the world that every life is beautiful no matter how it looks.
Unfortunately some people disagree with me and they think Namihei is poor or put her down, or even think I'm a cruel owner.
Do we always have to be perfect to live? Well, she may be a disabled budgie, but she is perfect for me and I do respect her every effort to survive.
At least, I'm so glad to know that there are many kind people who are on my side.


にほんブログ村 鳥ブログ セキセイインコへ

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