The vet says Namihei doesn't eat when she wears a cone. I say Namihei cannot eat wish such a cliff cone.
Apparently both were wrong. Last night Namihei showed me another miracle. When I went to bed, I heard something from her plastic case. So I peeped at her and was really surprised. She was eating pellets on the floor from a perch!
So I put more pellets quickly and then hid from her with my phone. After a while, she started eating again!
Well, she is much cleverer than we thought. She just needed time to think and give it a try. So... I must not deprive her of an opportunity to learn and should not think from a human perspective. I always have to respect her and be patient with her. I've learned very important things from her.
She eats pellets with a cone without problems today and lets me scratch her a lot!

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