As for chemotherapy, he is reluctant to try it now, because he isn't sure what is inside yet. Besides there is no data how it works for birds, unfortunately. Finally he decided to try steroid medication, because if we wait with doing nothing, it will be too late. As you know, there is a side effect of steroids. He says it will help her swelled face and reduce itching. It will work for lymph systems, but not much for sarcomas. And it will cause problems in stomach. It causes feeling sick and losing appetite.
Namihei started this new medication this morning and then she looked so weak afternoon. At evening she started puking a lot. I nearly cried and called the clinic with cuddling Namihei. They advised me to stop using steroid. If she still has the same symptoms tomorrow, she needs to stay in hospital.
I kept cuddling and scratching her until she stopped puking. And then she got better and guess what, now she started eating again. I'm so relieved. I'll stop using steroid until we visit the vet next time, which is next Saturday.
I really hope she'll be alright. I also noticed that she had started moulting, so I must keep an eye on her.

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